May 7, 2024

Exercise, meditation can help fight stress

By Madison Kroner After a long relaxing summer break, the thought of returning to school can be extremely overwhelming and daunting. It is both mentally and physically demanding to get back into the routine of school work, which makes most students feel an unwanted high level of stress and anxiety. When starting a new academic year it’s important to set a certain pattern and schedule that works properly with a … Continued

Don’t worry, it’s just stress

BY BRANDY FULTON As I slowly woke up, I assumed it was early, because my alarm had not gone off. I rolled over to check my phone – a normal ritual every morning, and my eyes grew wide as I read the time. It was 9:40 and I had a 15-minute drive ahead of me. It was my first couple of months away from home, and I had never been … Continued

OSAP repayment causes stress

BY TAYLOR SCHWEITZER Homework, studying, stress and spending are some of the concerns that students have throughout the school year. To help relieve some of the stress and concerns about money, a lot of students choose to apply for an Ontario Student Assistance Program loan to help them pay for school. The program run by the Ontario government lends money to students who are in financial need throughout their years … Continued

Just Breathe, Just Run group helps reduce stress

BY TAYLOR SCHWEITZER Deep breath in, deep breath out. On your mark, get set, go! When it comes to mental health, finding ways to eliminate stress and anxiety can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Counselling Services at Conestoga College wants to make the word, “stress,” disappear from all aspects of your life. The Just Breathe, Just Run group helps with that by offering tips and ways that … Continued