February 14, 2025

How Aidan Ruston, aka AJ, built a music empire in Waterloo with ‘The Kitchen KW’

Aiden John Rustin, known to many as AJ, lost himself in the rhythm of his own making. Stretching his arms toward the amplifier, a gentle smile tugged at his lips, a quiet acknowledgment of the music’s power to speak what words could not. It was around 10 p.m at The Kitchen KW studio as the scene unfolded. “The location that we’re at, they don’t let us make noise until 5:30 … Continued

From Syria to Waterloo: Ahmad’s journey of building a barbershop empire rooted in quality and integrity

The snipping of scissors and the gentle hum of clippers tell a story of resilience and ambition. Mohamad Al Ahmad, a seasoned barber with over 20 years of experience, has crafted a thriving Waterloo business known as City Style Salon and Barbershop. When Ahmad first opened his barbershop on Hemlock Street, Waterloo, in 2017, he had a simple goal: to bring his years of expertise from Syria to Canada. By … Continued

Un voyage dans le Vieux-Montréal

Un voyage dans le Vieux-Montréal Buildings in Old Montreal, taken on Sept. 1, 2024. Photos by Anashe Mapuranga/Spoke Online. It was my first time visiting Montreal and I had been enjoying the weeklong vacation with my mom and younger sister. We later were joined by a family friend from New York City that my mom has known since before I was even born.  It was now Sept 1, and we … Continued

FEATURE: Earning her “sunset” by breathing life back into the community

Photos by Rowen Fisler/Spoke Online (Pictured) Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) and Conestoga College instructor Pam Hall stands beside a test patient in her classroom at Conestoga College’s Doon Campus in Kitchener, Ont., on Nov. 14, 2024. Almost 40 years ago, a near family tragedy forever changed the trajectory of Pam Hall’s life.  When Hall was in the ninth grade, her cousin was born prematurely at just 28 weeks old. The … Continued

Crossing generations through the canvas with ‘The Proclamation’ exhibition at Kitchener City Hall

Featuring eye-catching artworks based on South Sudanese Shilluk peoples, the exhibit brings abstract designs and striking portraits to life. “I’ve gotten comments on the fact that this is sometimes a scary painting because of how real the eyes look as if there really is a soul behind them,” said artist Chudear Oyual. “It’s comforting knowing that in the creation of my art, my ancestors are with me.”

Students teaching abroad share experiences and offer tips

Students looking to teach abroad are in high demand in Asia and some Ontarians have met the call. Kristofer Kravis has just begun his six-month teaching expedition in Thailand while Robert Lawson has recently returned home from teaching in Seoul, South Korea, and Spain. Both of them have advice and tips for students planning to teach abroad. Provided below are some pointers on how to follow Kravis’s route to teaching … Continued

VIDEO: College students who ‘forget all the rules’ about recycling could vastly improve their recycling habits

Waterloo Region has a rich history with the blue box, particularly Kitchener which started the first blue bin program. But the student population seems neither to know nor care about this. Kathleen Barsoum, coordinator of waste management in Waterloo Region, says students need to put more effort into sorting their recycling and garbage. In this video, she speaks about the history of the blue bin and youth involvement in recycling.

Rabbits need a new home for Easter

By Ryan B Chan   Rabbits at the Humane Society of Kitchener Waterloo & Stratford Perth are looking for new homes after several bunnies were dropped off at the Kitchener Waterloo Animal Centre overnight Sunday, April 3. One of the rabbits was found inside a truck engine on Wednesday evening but was removed and taken to the Humane Society.  This adds to the additional surge of rabbits the Humane Society … Continued

AUDIO: World Autism Awareness Day’s importance goes beyond April 2

World Autism Awareness Day is a day to promote inclusivity, create awareness, and listen to autistic voices about their experiences. While April 2 is the day dedicated to this, people with autism and organizations that support them believe World Autism Awareness Day should be on our minds – specifically, neurotypical minds – every day, ensuring the awareness turns into action.

The World of Bodybuilding: “My world revolved around my diet and the gym and that’s it.”

Charlotte McCord, Conestoga alumni, is a nutrition and fitness coach at Proactive Fitness in Cambridge. McCord has enjoyed her career as a coach for many years but in her early twenties she thought she might pursue a different career path. Just after her 21st birthday, McCord competed in the bikini division at her first, and last, bodybuilding competition. She trained rigorously for 16 weeks prior to the competition and engaged … Continued

“Holy reviews, Batman!” (The Batman spoiler-free review)

Riddle me this, what’s dark, dreary, and makes you have to pee?  With a runtime that is four minutes shy of three hours, The Batman feels longer than it needs to be.  The runtime of this movie has been met with some support from die-hard fans who suggest that it needed to be this long, but the die-hard fan within me tells me it was not necessary. Both Seven (David … Continued

FEATURE: Point Clark is a slice of heaven for cottage goers

Yellows, pinks, and oranges light up the sky around 8 p.m. in the month of August. The smell of lake water fills the air as you take a deep breath. The grass brushes against you as you sit on the edge of the hill with rocks and water below.  Your skin is warm from a long day at the beach and you’re getting ready to have a bonfire after the … Continued

Safe driving tips for the ever-changing weather patterns

As we hope for warmer spring months in Ontario, winter can have a fierce way of holding on for as long as it can. For the past few weeks, it has been coating Southern Ontario roads in a blanket of glistening ice and snow. However pretty it may appear, it can be extremely dangerous to drive on, especially when the weather around this time of year can change from a … Continued