March 14, 2025


Old man winter came to play golf during the second week of January.

The Preston Kinsmen and Kinette’s Annual Snow Golf Tournament for Cystic Fibrosis was held on Jan. 14, at the Grand Valley Golf and Country Club in Cambridge.

The event, which included 10 teams of four to six players, raised over $800, doubling last year’s total of $411.

The round of golf challenged all 42 participants to play a game of best ball on the back-nine of the course in two inches of snow. Putting was excluded during the tournament as the green was replaced with a target in which the golfers had to land their shot.

The 12th year of the event saw temperatures of -10 C. Despite the cold weather, the golfers were in good spirits as they joked about the weather and golf balls, often referring to them as, “your balls.” They compensated for the winter season by making tees out of piles of snow and replacing pull carts for their clubs with sleds.

The first-place team finished the round with a score of 28, beating the course’s usual back-nine par of 35.

Event co-ordinators Mark Stansbury and Erica Kelly were pleased with the support they received from the competitors as they exceeded their goal of participants.

“We were hoping for at least 40 golfers and we’re now over which is excellent,” said Kelly.

This year also saw a new feature, a kid’s team competing for the first time.

The round of golf began at noon and continued into the late evening. After the event, the golfers went back to the Kinsmen hall on Hamilton Street in Cambridge for dinner, the presentation of the first-place trophy and prizes. The prizes varied  as contestants got to pick their award in order of their placing.

The Preston Kinsmen and Kinette Club will be hosting another fundraiser for cystic fibrosis on Jan. 27, where they will have dinner and a silent auction.

“It’s our opportunity to give our donation to their charity,” said Stansbury.

The dinner also provides the opportunity for a family member, or someone who is associated with a person who has the disease, to be honoured.