September 15, 2024

By Jake Robinson

People always seem to find something negative about a good thing – and that’s exactly what I’ve done.
Over the past two decades, cellphones have evolved from giant novelty phones into small computers. Although this provides convenience and a constant source of entertainment, it coincides with a side-effect which reads, “may distract you from everyday life.”
Even tasks as simple as walking to your next class are hindered by checking text messages, email and twitter. Instead of taking in the beauty of your surroundings, your eyes are glued to the screen of your phone while occasionally looking up to make sure you’re not about to walk into a wall. As an avid cellphone user myself, I am aware that I have been frequently guilty of the alleged. On Jan. 26, between 3 and 3:30 p.m. I walked around the school and began to count the number of people who had their phone in hand. I was surprised by my findings as I counted 108 people while I ironically tallied the results on my phone.
Cellphones are often praised for giving people the opportunity to be more social; however, it may do the opposite. Cellphone users are often neglecting their immediate company to talk to other people via text. Although it may sometimes be hard to ignore the temptation of checking your phone, the person who you are spending time with deserves your full attention.
Although I am once again guilty of doing this from time to time, I’ve begun to make an effort to neglect my phone instead of my company. I decided to attempt an evening without my phone on Jan. 23, when I went out for dinner with my friends. By the time I got to the restaurant I found myself already reaching for my phone that wasn’t there. After repeating that same action a few more times, I began to get entranced in conversation. By the time I got home, I had no urge to look for my phone.
Linda Frillman, a non-cellphone user, said she has been frustrated while at a dinner with her friends who were more interested in their phones than conversation. 
“There were 10 people at my table and five of them had their cellphones out — I think that’s rude,” said Frillman. “When I’m at home I use my computer a lot, but when someone comes over to visit me I don’t sit at my computer. So I don’t understand why if I’m sitting at a table with someone, pulling out a cellphone and texting isn’t equally as rude.”
Cellphones can be a great resource because we now have so much information at our fingertips. There should be no shame in using them from time to time, however, we should begin to recognize our surroundings and choose the right moments to use our phones. Make sure to take in what is around you and engage in conversation because time goes by fast – you don’t want your best memories to be looking at your phone.