October 22, 2024


Cambridge Youth Mobilizers is living proof of how young people are able to make a difference.
The group was designed for youth ages 14 to 20 by Emma Burger, 15, and Melissa Tran, 16. It has been active since April 2011 and is growing in numbers.
On March 10, Cambridge Youth Mobilizers held their second Haven House garage sale, which raised $145.
This was more successful than the previous Haven House sale in October which raised $106 for Women’s Crisis Services.
The Haven House is a 30-bed short-term emergency resident shelter for abused children and women. It is funded by Women’s Crisis Services.
The first official project for the Mobilizers was to raise money for Save Japan Dolphins which the group did by collecting money door-to-door in local neighbourhoods.
Since then, Youth Mobilizers has had a movie marathon fundraiser, which raised $106 for the dolphin cause.
They also attended an event in Toronto that brought attention to a proposed bylaw banning the sale of shark fin in that city.
“Our biggest success was raising $280 at Metro (a grocery store) bake sale, for the dolphin cause,” said Tran.
For more information on Save Japan Dolphins, visit www.savejapandolphins.org.
“Since our creation of Mobilizers, we’ve been organizing group meetings twice a week, and have done tons of other fundraisers for charities,” said Burger.
On March 19, The Cambridge Youth Mobilizers held Puppy Love Week, during which they collected needed supplies for the Cambridge Humane Society.
“These items include white paper towels, dry dog and cat food, newspapers, the list goes on,” said Tran.
The group is quite diverse and has various members attending different high schools.
“We have Mobilizers in lots of high schools and they create awareness and funds within their own school. It’s a great way to get donations for a cause.”
Humane Society supplies can also be dropped off at 8 Forestview Dr. in Cambridge. The donations will be sent straight to the Cambridge Humane Society.
Burger urges anyone interested in the group to visit the website at www.thecambridgeyouthmobilizers.blogspot.com and ask to take part in one of their fundraisers. Their mission is to provide youth with “purpose, passion and perseverance.”
“The more youth are aware and passionate about social issues, the better our world is going to be,” said Burger.