March 6, 2025

Students were not the only ones to start the school year off with a new look – Conestoga College’s Bookstore also showed off a change.
Returning students who needed to pick up supplies were surprised to see a much larger setup, a decision that, according to the Bookstore’s manager of three years, Adam Hustwitt, has been a long time in coming.
“From our end I had the plans laid out in February and renovations started in May and they took till almost the end of August,” Hustwitt said.
He said the major issue at first with expanding the Bookstore was finding the space to do so.
“There was no new space, it wasn’t a new build,” said Hustwitt. “So it was about moving the print shop … we had to secure space for them, get them moved and then create the space for us.”
It isn’t uncommon with new designs and layouts for there to be complications as people have to get used to whatever is new but according to Christian Crissien, the head of promotions and events, everyone has adjusted quickly and the new design is offering a lot of new opportunities for the Bookstore.
“The great thing is we can move things around, we can kind of accommodate any foreseen issues,” Crissien said. “Like, we do have the space now to cater to new product coming in or product leaving the store. So we’re always shifting things around to keep it interesting and keep it fresh.”
Misha Sgro, a first-year graphic design student who remembers the old bookstore layout from her time in design foundations, said she actually didn’t give much thought to the new layout while she was picking up the supplies for her program.
It was only upon a second visit that the change really got her attention.
“It’s nice how it’s expanded – makes it look better,” Sgro said. However, she also said   that she was unsure about the store’s decision to devote an entire section to clothing.
“Guess you have to put it somewhere though.”
According to Hustwitt, this decision came as part of the fact that the Bookstore has become more than just a place to buy books for class. It is a one-stop shop for everything you may need as a student.
“We look at it as, you know, if you think you need it then, we now have the ability to probably carry it for you, which we couldn’t before,” Hustwitt said.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out the new Bookstore, its hours of operation are Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.