March 13, 2025

WrigglesworthCalliepromoBY CALLIE WRIGGLESWORTH
Conestoga College students won’t be rushing out to purchase the latest Apple products.
The new iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S launched Sept. 20, but despite being designed to catch your eye and featuring some of the most advanced technology, they don’t seem to be exciting students.
The results of a survey done at Conestoga found that eight out of 10 students asked were not interested in buying either of the phones in the future.
Phil Kornilov, a first-year computer programming student, is content with his current phone, the iPhone 5.
“I’m fine with mine. I don’t like the iOS7,” he said.
Both new phones come with the new operating system, the iOS7. It is the most advanced operating system, which includes new features to make things faster and easier.
Lizzy Perrie, a first-year fitness and health promotion student, was one of the two who said she would be interested in getting an iPhone in the future. She currently uses a Galaxy S4, but used to have an iPhone.
“I definitely would consider going back to the iPhone,” she said.
The iPhone 5C, which retails for $599, comes in a variety of colours, an all new plastic design, and a steel-reinforced frame for a solid structure. It is designed to be energy efficient and have a long-lasting battery life. It also comes with faster download and upload speeds and an 8 megapixel camera for sharp photo quality and panorama.
“Generally people who are coming in asking about the 5Cs are students and parents looking to buy phones,” said Jordan Young, a customer service representative at Rogers Plus in Cambridge Centre.
The store sold out of the iPhone 5S on launch day within the first five hours of the store being open.
“Most people are asking for the 5S,” said Mike Zimmerman, a customer service representative who also works at Rogers Plus.
He said people have been waiting for this phone, and want it specifically.
The iPhone 5S retails for $719. It comes with advanced technology, featuring a fingerprint identity sensor on the home button. Instead of entering a pass code, the phone takes the owner’s fingerprint to unlock the phone. The home button is made of sapphire crystal with a stainless steel ring surrounding it, which detects your finger.
Young said because of this high-tech security system, the phone is basically not returnable, but he doesn’t think this will be an issue with customers.
For further information on the new iPhones 5C and 5S, or the new operating system, visit or visit a local retail outlet.WrigglesworthCallie