July 27, 2024


Two minutes of silence is observed on Remembrance Day to let us reflect on and honour the many soldiers who have given their lives and those who continue to serve.

At Conestoga College in the Atrium on Nov. 11, a ceremony put on by Student Life allowed students, faculty and staff to gather together to remember.

The ceremony included words from Myeengun Henry, manager of Aboriginal Services, and the recitation of poet Don Crawford’s poem, Why Wear a Poppy, read by Ian Kearney, Student Life programmer and organizer of the ceremony.

 A boy came whistling down the street,

bouncing along on carefree feet,

his smile was full of joy and fun,

“Lady” he said,”May I have one?”

When she pinned it on, he turned to say,

“Why do we wear a poppy today?”

The lady smiled in her wistful way,

and answered


and the poppy there is a symbol for

the gallant men who died in war,

and because they did, you and I are free

That’s why we wear a poppy you see.”

A montage of photos and footage from wartimes was shown right before the two minutes of silence was   observed out of respect for the thousands who gave their life in service.

In uniform,

Gordon Greavette and Gary Szczerbaniwicz attended the ceremony to remember their friends and loved ones lost in battle. Greavette was a lieutenant-colonel in the Air Force and is currently the chair of the School of Liberal Studies and Communications at Conestoga College. Szczerbaniwicz was also a lieutenant-colonel and is presently the chair of the School of Business at Conestoga College.

“I am standing today for several friends but in particular my wife’s grandfather,” Greavette said.

“I am standing for two uncles who died in the Second World War, and a close friend who died in the peace corporation,” Szczerbaniwicz said.