October 22, 2024

JAAnnualGeneralMeetingBy Jody Anderson

Though there were more chairs than people in them, the annual general meeting of Conestoga Students Inc. had better attendance than the previous year according to CSI representatives.
The dozen people in attendance heard Jason Wright, CSI president, speak about some things he felt went well during the past school year.
“Giving back was probably one of the best things we have done this year,” Wright said.
He went on to mention some fundraising events that took place over the previous school year, such as last year’s Movember (a CSI Movember team raised $4,467) and the Polar Plunge (which raised $6,500).
The eight core services CSI offers were highlighted regularly. These services are entertainment, food support, funding, leadership development, representation, the service hub, and the shuttle and wellness services.
When asked about environmental issues and what CSI could do about them and what they were currently doing, they mentioned recycling programs and the shuttle service as key things that they are doing that help the environment.
Working with Grand River Transit to reduce the cost of the bus pass was another point, which they hope will result in an increase of ridership and will have an environmental impact as well.
When asked if there was a plan for CSI, a not-for-profit organization, to use surplus money (of around $500,000) the answer was simply yes.
“You will see bigger, better events and you will see some improvements to other areas as well,” Wright said.
Other than that the money was said to be held for a “building” that is being planned. Spoke has run several articles on a possible expansion of the college’s rec centre.
A major talking point at the meeting was the College Student Alliance (CSA).
“They represent you guys at the provincial level. They represent you guys with items such as tuition. They are the single voice that is heard by the Ontario government regarding anything tuition, mature students, international students (etc.),” Wright said.
The meeting ended with people who stayed for the duration of it being handed a voucher for a $5 Tim Hortons’ gift card.