March 14, 2025

As college and university students look to graduation, many have vital experience in their field all because of placements. Field placements should be something every program includes because students need to have work experience on their resumé post-graduation.

Kennedy Player-Reid, a sport media student at Ryerson University, is grateful for her field placement opportunity with the Hamilton Bulldogs of the Ontario Hockey League (OHL).

Kennedy Player-Reid posts pre-game content on Instagram for her placement with the Hamilton Bulldogs on Oct. 29, 2021. Photo By: Katie Hynds

“I think the opportunity really pushed me because during my time there they encouraged me to work outside of the box and try to do things outside of my comfort zone,” said Player-Reid.

“I’m grateful they not only built my skills but also pushed my creative boundaries by allowing me to contribute to video productions, written articles, and other aspects I may not have considered exploring.”

Placements give students the chance to explore an area in their field and see if it’s the right fit for them. This is beneficial because it allows students to not only get real-world experience but also realize if this is the direction they want to head in after graduation. 

My field placement opportunity with the Kitchener Rangers of the OHL has allowed me to discover that this is the area I belong in.

Gaining experience at field placements is the most important part of their purpose. When applying to jobs after graduation, most opportunities require some form of experience in that general field.

All post-secondary schools should offer some form of placement because this will give students a better chance when applying to jobs. This can also give students the chance to get a leg up on their competition. 

“Being with the Bulldogs, they really gave me the chance to experience what real full-time work is like,” said Player-Reid. 

Along with preparing students for the real world, placements also provide a chance for students to develop their skills. With my program learnings, I went into my placement feeling confident. After being there since October, I feel the skills I came in with have improved and developed so much more.

Some tips for students entering their field placements would include managing your time properly, never saying no to a task, and working as hard as you can. 

“I think the biggest thing I can recommend is to just be open to opportunities,” said Player-Reid.

“Everyone obviously has something they want to pursue post-grad but placements open your eyes to the real world and allow you to explore so many opportunities and new aspects of your field that you may not even know existed.”

Field placements are beneficial in more ways than one. Every college and university student deserves to have a chance at gaining experience that will help them in their field.

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