January 2, 2025

Each year a committee of Ontario librarians nominates the best Canadian works of both fiction and non-fiction for the Evergreen Award, which goes to the favourite book as voted by adult library patrons. The list of books is narrowed down to 10 prior to the voting.
This year, as part of the Forest of Reading program, the Waterloo Public Library encouraged readers to come out and participate in an event called Waterloo Reads.
It had local celebrities defending some of the nominated novels, trying to get the audience to vote for their book. They gave compelling and often amusing arguments as to why their book deserved to win.
“The question we were asked was, why would a Waterloo reader want to read my book?” said Susan Cook-Scheerer, co-host of Daytime on Rogers TV. She told the audience that the ties between art in both our region and in the book, The Little Shadows, are one of the main reasons why she believes readers should take an interest in reading and voting for the book she was championing.
While tied in the final round for first place with Mandy Brouse, co-owner of Words Worth Books, it was Richard Hepditch, deputy fire chief of the Waterloo Fire Rescue, whose book Indian Horse by Richard Wigamese came out as the winner at Waterloo Reads.
While Hepditch may have won the local competition, the event was held to bring attention to the nominees and bring awareness of the award to Waterloo library patrons.
Voting continues this month, either online or by going to the Waterloo Public Library or any of its branches and filling out a ballot between Oct. 20 and 26.
The Evergreen Award and the Forest of Reading program are run by the Ontario Library Association to bring attention to Canadian fiction and non-fiction and to encourage a love of reading.
The winner of the Evergreen Award will be announced during the Ontario Library Association Super Conference in February 2014.
For a complete list of the local celebrities and the books they championed, or for a link to vote for your favourite nominee of the Evergreen Award, visit www.wpl.ca/2013/10/evergreen-awards-and-waterloo-reads