February 12, 2025

OPINION: New Star Trek is an abomination

“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, we’re here to make quality television.” That is what Ira Steven Behr, showrunner of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9) said in the companion book to the television series, setting the stage for one of the highest acclaimed television shows the series had seen, and has yet to match.  From Star Trek’s inception in 1965, collections of different crews across different … Continued

OPINION: Bill C-11 is an unnecessary trampling into the internet

You turn on the radio and a song plays that you can’t recognize. Must be from a Canadian band. You sit down in front of your TV screen, and you see shows that you don’t recognize. Must be from a Canadian studio. Under Bill C-11, you could be scrolling YouTube with a patriotic glint in your eye alongside a federal and corporate algorithm; one for you and one for Canada.  … Continued

Audio Review: Thus Owls ‘Who Would Hold You If The Sky Betrayed Us?’

Thus Owls is back with their seventh project. The married duo of Erika and Simon Angell, originally from Sweden and based out of Montreal, have been set to prove just how far their combination of jazz, improv and alternative indie could persevere project upon project. With ‘Who Would Hold You If The Sky Betrayed Us?’ they aspire to bring another whirlwind of continuous sound in 66 minutes, but does the … Continued

Toronto Comicon, equal parts the same as it was different

Have you ever played Call of Cthulhu? It’s a game that requires wit, a roleplaying spirit, and sometimes even background music to set the tone. At least, that is what the panel called “How To Get Started in “Call of Cthulhu” 7th Edition” said, one of many panels to return to Toronto Comicon this past weekend.  The three day convention, March 18 to March 20, is part of the bi-annual … Continued

‘Darkness and Light’ concert aims to bring a late composer’s work to life

Arms swung vigorously across the empty space between each stringed instrument, never for the audience to predict. Row on row of heads, eagerly following their direction on both sides of the podium. No, this isn’t a sports commentary track, it’s the latest show from the Kitchener–Waterloo Symphony (KWS).  The ‘Darkness and Light‘ show, curated and conducted by Andrei Feher and performed by the KWS and ‘The Elora Singers,’ aimed to … Continued

OPINION: Encroachment of NFTs into the world of art is a dangerous fad

The artist sits in their chair, labouring over their latest collage of light, colour and love. Some do it for the love of the process, others do it as their hobby to cool down.  What if they’d like to sell their prized four-sided frame? Besides standing on a street corner, pointing its face to each passerby, they might consider selling it online. Much like the ‘.com’ bubble of the early … Continued

A Spoke retrospective, a glimpse into the news machine

The technology of today can be taken for granted. Keyboards instead of typewriters, computer screens instead of plain paper, virtual classrooms instead of the hardwood of times past.  Through the Spoke online archive, one can see that some things never change. Since Spoke’s introduction in 1968, the issues matched the times for everyone, not just those on the other side of the pen and paper.  One might consider modern journalism … Continued

VIDEO: Kitchener city council calls on feds to challenge ‘discriminatory’ Bill 21

On June 16, 2019, Quebec passed Bill 21. It banned particular public service employees in positions of power from displaying symbols or apparel related to religion. Hijabs, burqas, crosses and turbans are deemed unsuitable under the legislation. According to Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic and the Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM), this type of law is not only ‘discriminatory,’ but “runs contrary to who we are as Canadians and residents of … Continued

AUDIO OPINION: Health tax for the unvaccinated in Ontario would be a step in the right direction

Another wave, another curve to be flattened for Ontario. For Premier Doug Ford and his cabinet, another lockdown is the default course of action. Just one province over, Quebec has attempted a wide range of measures to keep the number of infections down. From curfew to quarantine, the restrictions have been widespread, and have not come without their share of criticism. Most recently, a health tax is on the table … Continued

Will the holiday season bring a fifth wave of COVID-19?

Another season, another variant of COVID-19. Following the pattern of naming variants after Greek letters, Omicron brings another beacon of mystery. First reported in South Africa, this mutation of the disease is suspected to have a higher rate of transmission yet a lower rate of hospitalization. As COVID cases rise in Ontario, up to more than 1,000 as of Dec. 10, the concerns around Omicron become more prevalent. When the … Continued

Kitchener City Council denounces conversion therapy

A Kitchener city council motion denouncing conversion therapy and calling on the federal government to also ban it passed unanimously after public input at the meeting. Coun. Debbie Chapman of Ward 9 proposed the motion. A federal bill banning conversion therapy in Canada, a practice which has been denounced by scientific and medical organizations the country over, stalled in the Senate. Alongside Coun. Chapman in the virtual meeting were the … Continued

Altercation at Miltons stirs debate about accessibility issues

It was a day like any other for Justin Leckie, a resident of Waterloo Region, when he visited Miltons on the evening of Nov. 10. The incident that took place on that fateful day jump-started a flurry of discussion and debate which continues. Leckie and his service dog, Epi, had been seated in the restaurant when two men, who appeared to be employees, grabbed him and Leckie ended up on … Continued

McLennan Park’s toboggan hill fence is under review

After the instalment of a toboggan fence in 2019, friends and family have been sledding from halfway down the hill as part of the new safety measures put in place by the city. Now, there is a chance that the hill may extend to the top once again. “Staff are undertaking a review of McLennan Park,” said Niall Lobley, the Director of Parks & Cemeteries for the City of Kitchener. … Continued

FanExpo fires on all cylinders for its ‘Limited Edition’ run

Between the excitement and the fears of ‘corporatization,’ FanExpo returned to themasses Oct. 22 for three consecutive days at the TorontoConvention Centre, albeit with some restrictions along the way. The event is based out of multiple cities across North America. It serves as an outlet forcontent creators of corporate and grassroots origins, who range from Marvelto individual comic book creators. One such award-winning group by the apt name ‘Group of … Continued