March 22, 2025

Here is what you can expect for spring weather in southern Ontario

It’s looking like a warmer spring is in the air for Ontarians this season. Winter has clearly come to a close in southern Ontario and residents have been greeted with well above-average temperatures during mid March, but is that warm spring weather here to stay?

How often will Kitchener’s new ‘anti-idling’ bylaw really be enforced?

The City of Kitchener has put a new anti-idling bylaw into effect, similar to the law that has seen only 20 tickets issued in Waterloo in over 10 years.
The new bylaw was put into effect on Feb. 22, and requires drivers to turn off their engines when idling for more than three minutes, unless they’re in traffic. The fine for idling over three minutes has been set at $75. But how often will this new bylaw really be enforced?

AUDIO: The rocky road for student teachers during COVID-19

Teacher’s college students haven’t had it easy during the COVID-19 pandemic. With schools across the province going through different phases of lockdowns and multiple closings and reopenings, students have faced a multitude of interruptions regarding their schooling.

How the NBA has handled COVID-19 this season

Like all professional sports, the COVID-19 pandemic has largely impacted the NBA and how the season is operating this year. The NBA season is shortened from 82 to 72 games this year with a variety of health and safety measures in place.

AUDIO: Here’s why the Playstation 5 is selling out so fast

The long-awaited successor of the Playstation 4 is finally upon us. The powerful Playstation 5 was released on Nov 12. with two different consoles. The digital only console will be $499 and the console with a disk-drive will be $629.