Leverage AI to combat internet censorship: researchers
Thanks to artificial intelligence, the nightmare of state control of the internet in regimes like China’s may be closer to an end.
Thanks to artificial intelligence, the nightmare of state control of the internet in regimes like China’s may be closer to an end.
Spoke News reporter Darick Charbonneau says he’s tired of thinking about what he is about to say, before he says it, in order to not offend anyone.
BY MELISSA HORTON In today’s technology-based world, the internet has become a tool to socialize with each other in new and unique ways. However, with this new tool, comes new rules but not everybody plays by them. Recently, social media networks have come under fire for the content that some users have been posting. One of the most notable is YouTuber Logan Paul, who initiated a never-before-seen level of scrutiny … Continued