February 18, 2025

Car enthusiasts


Despite Mother Nature’s daylong wrath, automotive die-hards refused to call it quits at an Oktoberfest car show Oct. 15.

A variety of classic and modern cars lined King Street’s curbs awaiting brave enthusiasts who fought the rain and harsh, cool wind. Families and collectors alike were treated to a selection of classic cars that included a vintage Porsche and a Rolls Royce.

Although the weather put a damper on the mood, car owners were as eager to share about their cars as bystanders were to browse and listen.

Clinton Heffernan and Trevor Feth stood proudly beside their cars – a midnight blue Hyundai Genesis and metallic silver Acura EL respectively. Despite the weather and less-than-expected turnout, the pair remained optimistic.

“We go to a lot of shows and for the day it is, this is a pretty decent turnout,” said Feth. “It’s nice to see all the other cars out too,” he added, referring to the many owners who had to take their cars out of storage for the event.

While heading for shelter, many couldn’t help but notice the multiple, jelly-bean coloured Volkswagen vans parked outside of Market Square. Parents reminisced on past lives while curious children inspected the unusual-looking vans.

Meanwhile, across the street a 2011 Ford Mustang belonging to Lee Jukes attracted a crowd of its own.

“I’m a car guy and I enjoy hanging around car shows,” said Jukes. “I have more cars that I usually bring out, but unfortunately the weather didn’t permit me to do so today.”

Jukes was one of the many Mustang owners expected to attend the show. However, due to weather conditions, many of his colleagues decided not to participate.

In addition to the interesting cars, visitors headed downtown to celebrate the final day of Oktoberfest where they were treated to live music and tasty food. Two stages featured live music while numerous food vendors set up stands around the Market Square area.

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