January 26, 2025


Game on.

Conestoga Gamers is a club that is evolving.

At a meeting held last week, the club decided not to just focus on PC and console gaming, but to add table-top games and Magic: the Gathering Cards to their club.

Table-top games refer to board games usually played with dice or cards. Magic: the Gathering is a card game played with two players or more.

“Hopefully we can incorporate these two new forms of gaming in quickly. We also discussed what the club would like to see happen in terms of growth and amount of tournaments and amount of club-only events we will have,” said president Andrew Leaman.

Leaman has been running Conestoga Gamers for two years. He hosts multiple local area network (LAN) events that run for 12 hours at a time. Some of the games played were Call of Duty: Black Ops and Savage 2.

A LAN tournament is also planned for late October, he said.

Last year Leaman also hosted a Super Smash Brothers tournament. With $1 and some skill, you could enter and have a chance to win a $50 EB Games gift card.

Proceeds received from entry fees for tournaments were donated to Conestoga’s United Way campaign last year.

Clubs at the college are overseen by CSI. Students can sign up for any of the clubs at www.conestogastudents.com.

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