February 12, 2025


When walking through the halls of Conestoga College at 8 in the morning, it is spotless. Fast-forward a few hours to your lunch break and you’ll notice the common areas have trash all over the floors.

Housekeeping Services’s cleaning staff shouldn’t be picking up after students. Instead, their job should be to ensure that garbage and recycling bins are available throughout the building.

Sometimes it is the students who realize the bin next to them is full so it results in leaving the trash on the floor because they don’t want to walk to the next location.

“It’s pretty disgusting.” said Michelle Tran, a first-year general arts and science student. “We all sit here and it is our responsibility to pick up after ourselves.”

The best that Housekeeping Services can do, is ensure that the bins are emptied regularly, that there are an appropriate number of bins and that there is a sign in the area. If a student isn’t aware of what is garbage and what is recyclable, he or she can go to the college website for information, as well as where the bins are.

“People should be responsible about where they put their garbage; it is why we have bins everywhere,” said Francisco Granados, a second-year software engineering student.

“In reference to the students who pick up after others, good for you,” said Jana Vodika, environmental program co-ordinator for Housekeeping Services. “It is too bad that this is what it comes down to, but that is kind of part of society anyway. There will be people who go the extra mile and then there are people who take advantage and slack. It is a good personal choice and attitude to have (if you pick up after others). It means bigger and better things for them in the future.”

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