February 12, 2025

Ten years later and Halo: Combat Evolved has made a comeback.
The first Xbox came out in 2001 and the hottest game to have for the new system was the first Halo.
The remastered game includes the original game’s levels but with new high quality features. The big difference is that the developer of this game is 343 Industries instead of Bungie, the usual makers of Halo games.
The remake is selling for $39.99 instead of the full price of $59.99 for a new video game release.
For gamers who have been playing Halo from the beginning, the remake is definitely worth taking a look at. Seeing the original campaign and multiplayer levels with helpful changes as well as newer guns and features is still nostalgic.
The new updates make navigating around levels easier; such as Damnation now having ramps instead of ladders.
While playing the remastered campaign, players can push the back button on their controllers and get a look at what the game looked like 10 years ago. There is the choice of playing with the original look from 2001 or the updated levels and graphics, which is a great feature for remakes to have. In a matter of seconds, players can see what the game originally looked like and how far Halo and technology have come.
When you switch back and forth from the version 10 years ago to present day, even the subtle changes are evident.
Diehard fans can be at ease knowing the storyline is exactly the same as the original with no major changes. Even the script of each character is word for word. Although the developer changed, they stayed true to the classic game Bungie created 10 years ago.
For fans that also own Halo Reach, you are able to download the Combat Evolved maps and play them only using your Reach disk, incorporating both games’ levels.
I recommend this game for any longtime Halo fan looking for a throwback to the old days or for any new Halo fan who is just starting out and wants to see where the game started.

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