September 14, 2024


Though the GLBTQ Welcome Night held on Oct. 3 ended with a roomful of smiling people, it also ended with a question, “Now what?” For over a month, that question remained unanswered.

“It just didn’t seem fair to have this welcome night and then nowhere to go,” said Eric Jackson, a second-year broadcast television student who took the lead and during the weeks that followed, began to organize this year’s club, which remains nameless.

There were talks of forming a club through CSI at the Welcome Night, but at the time nothing was official. The leader of Conestoga’s last GLBTQ club had graduated. Guests who were interested in keeping in touch added their emails to a list and dispersed.

Although still in the planning stages, a new club is happening and is open to anyone who wishes to join, help out or learn more.

For the comfort of everyone involved, a list of members will not be released and those interested in the club can email Jackson at for meeting times and locations.

 “I want to accommodate everybody’s comfort level,” Jackson said at the first club meeting held on Nov. 23, which was only advertised to those who attended the Welcome Night. He noted that though Conestoga is an overall accepting place, many students come from a variety of experiences affecting their willingness to have their membership publicized.

The meeting had a small turnout of seven people, which was expected with the minimal advertising and it being held midday on a Wednesday. Future meetings will be held after class times, depending on member schedules.
Among the things discussed were ways to spend some of the club’s budget – with suggestions ranging from rubber bracelets to movie nights and group outings – to the reasons behind everyone wishing to join.

The most common answer was that members simply wanted a place to meet others like themselves and make friends.

After about an hour guests had to attend class and the meeting drew to a close. In a few weeks another meeting will be held in the evening in hopes that more people will come out and join so goals and plans can be made to accommodate the needs of as many people as possible.

Anyone interested in joining or learning more is encouraged to email Eric Jackson.

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