Aries: You will feel like you are being challenged this week. Keep pushing through and you will see success. This weekend: Keeping focused.
Libra: Uncomfortable situations could be headed your way. Don’t be afraid to say no if it doesn’t feel like the right fit for you. This weekend: Stepping up.
Taurus: Pressure at school will cause you to blow a fuse. Find a way to manage your emotions before you go off like a volcano.This weekend: Zen.
Scorpio: Times are tough but maintaining a positive attitude will help keep you on track.This weekend: Light bright.
Gemini: Your flirty ways will land you an introduction to someone who may change your perspective on love. This weekend: Keep your eyes and heart open.
Sagittarius: The time has come to take a look in the mirror and own up to your actions. This weekend: Truth will set you free.
Cancer: A miscommunication will leave you feeling self conscious. Don’t over think it. This weekend: Clear your head.
Capricorn: Working together with others in a team environment will bring you a new opportunity. This weekend: Group work.
Leo:It is easy for you to put others’ needs before your own but you might want to take some much deserved “me time.” This weekend: Kick back.
Aquarius: You have been working hard, spoil yourself with a material object you have had your eyes on for a while. This weekend: Cha-ching
Virgo: Being a fly on the wall will give you the upper hand in a new environment.This weekend: Silent night.
Pisces:Your negative mood will leave you needing extra support. A close friend will be there for you. This weekend: Hug it out.