July 27, 2024

Aries: You might have the urge to do something extremely risky but giving in to the temptation will have negative consequences.

This weekend: Caution.

Taurus: The large achievement you have been working hard for is just out of your reach. Keep up your stamina and success will be yours.

This weekend: Dedication.

Gemini: Your youthful personality will change someone’s perspective on life. Reach out and make an impact.

This weekend: Glow.

Cancer: You’re still clinging to something from your past. Moving on and letting go is the only way to make room for personal growth.

This weekend: Release.

Leo: You want to be constantly in control but some things don’t work like that. Allow yourself to take the backseat for a while and chill.

This weekend: Calm yourself.

Virgo: Don’t overthink your current situation. Your ability to be overly critical can do more damage than good.

This weekend: Take a step back.

Libra: Take a minute to love the one you’re with. Spoil a special someone as a way to say thank you.

This weekend: Romance.

Scorpio: Your impulsiveness could be getting you into trouble. Think twice before acting on a whim.

This weekend: Plan.

Sagittarius: Someone in your life is lying to you. Don’t lower yourself to their level – it’s not your style.

This weekend: Honesty is the best medicine.

Capricorn: You hold a massive grudge against someone. Releasing that can lift a huge weight off your shoulders.

This weekend: Lift.

Aquarius: Your heart is large and in charge. Your ability to help others is a quality that sets you apart from others.

This weekend: Help out.

Pisces: You’re willpower is lacking. Take control and don’t give in so easy. The rewards will be much sweeter.

This weekend: Hold on.

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