July 26, 2024


Creative individuals and aspiring videographers alike will be happy to hear that Kitchener’s Youth Video Competition is on once again.

The contest has been an outlet and learning opportunity for youth to generate creative, local content since its conception in 2010. The Berlin Tower at Kitchener City Hall has been the epicentre of creative digital projections since the 20-year-old architectural feature became known as the Cube.

“The main goals are to engage youth in creating contemporary art using digital media and to showcase the Cube as a gallery for public art,” said Carrie Kozlowski, program assistant, arts and culture for the City of Kitchener.

Kozlowski said they give young filmmakers the creative freedom by not imposing a theme or applying strict conditions or requirements on the content of the videos, letting their imaginations run wild.

The contest, which opened Feb. 2, is free to enter and open to those ages 12 to 25. The contest is looking for short, silent films or silent animations, ranging from 50 seconds to three minutes in length.

“It’s challenging creatively because all entries must be short, without an audio component and be visually impactful when viewed from a distance as the Cube is located about the 10th storey of city hall,” Kozlowski said.

There are cash prizes available in two categories: three cash prizes of $200 for ages 12-17, with an additional $100 in media supplies for the category winner’s school; and three cash prizes of $300 for those ages 18 to 25.

There will be up to 10 honourable mentions that will be displayed on the Cube for a minimum of one month. The winning videos are set to be screened in May 2014.

Kozlowski said the videos will also be featured on the city’s YouTube account.
The contest deadline is March 31.

For more information and submission requirements for the contest, visit www.kitchener.ca/youthvideocomp, or the contest’s Facebook page at http://on.fb.me/1c1Pcrf.

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