October 22, 2024

BY SCOTT DIETRICHDietrichScottpromo

While Quebecers are preparing for a provincial election in October, the incumbent, Pauline Marois, is forgetting the one element of a campaign that makes it a success. Timing. Lately Marois has been flipping and flopping, portraying herself first as a separatist and then a federalist. First she wanted a referendum on making Quebec a sovereign nation, but now she is avoiding the topic.

After bringing Quebec businessman Pierre Karl Peladeau into the Parti Quebecois, she has suddenly become afraid of bringing up independence.
This is in contrast to Peladeau’s remarks when he was introduced to the media two weeks ago. His goal, he said, was “to make Quebec a country.”
Within the span of a week, Marois went from trumpeting this savvy separatist to literally shoving him away from the microphone,
Maybe it had something to do with the polls that were taken the same week that PKP was welcomed into the party, which showed the federal Liberal party taking a huge leap in major ridings. It seems that Marois didn’t realize that the majority of Quebecers are fed up with the issue of sovereignty.

This makes Quebecers and fellow Canadians question Marois’s convictions. It seems like she will do or say anything to get elected, including changing her beliefs on a dime.

It appears the one thing Marois loves more than Quebec independence is holding her position as premier, by any means necessary.

The premier has brought a gun to a knife fight by bringing PKP into the fold. She may be able to push him away from microphones now but it won’t be long before the mogul steps in front of a microphone sans Marois.

The other faux pas that Marois made was to ask for more federal money the same week she reopened the sovereignty issue. She is like those students in high school who won’t go to the prom with you, but are all too eager to hang out before the big exam and do their homework. This is what Quebec has done; claiming the need for separation on one hand and benefiting off a federal relationship on the other. A major shakeup is looming in Quebec, with another October crisis in the not too distant future.

The views herein represent the position of the newspaper, not necessarily the author.

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