July 26, 2024


Massage therapy is offered at Conestoga College to provide relaxation and stress relief to students, as well as to treat various aliments they may encounter throughout the school year.MassageTherpay

“The massage therapy service has been offered on campus for over the last eight years,” said Janie Renwick, the general manager at Conestoga Students Inc.

Students communicate with therapists to ensure that they will receive the best treatment required to help them in their rehabilitation process.

“This service was implemented to allow students to have a relaxing massage in between classes to help them with their overall health and well-being while at college,” she said.

Students interested in receiving a massage must complete a few steps before they receive any treatment. During the first visit to the wellness office, located in Rm. 2A100, students must fill out an information form including a health history. Students are also required to have a doctor’s note stating what the massage is for.

“The student will not be treated if they are ill or have a fever. The student will complete a health history form prior to the appointment and the therapist will review the form with the individual at their first appointment,” Renwick said.

Prices for a massage vary depending if the student is covered under the CSI Health Plan or if they opted out. For a standard half-hour massage under the CSI Health Plan the massage costs $11. It costs $55 if a student has opted out of the plan.

“I heard you could get a massage at the school for 10 bucks, but then I went there and they told me that I had to have a doctor’s note to get it. I thought it was ridiculous,” said Ashlyn Thompson, a community and justice services student.

By visiting the on-campus doctor in Rm. 1A102, you can be assessed for free and receive a note that will allow you to book and receive massages.

The wellness office is open Monday to Friday except during major holidays, winter break and Reading Week.

“There are peak times during the year where the individuals won’t get an appointment on the same day, however, students will be able to book an appointment within the week they are looking for,” Renwick said.

It is important to plan to make sure your preferred time and date for a massage is available.

“I go every two weeks for my migraines and I love it, it helps me so much,” said Ashley Hummel, a personal support worker student. “My migraines have gone down a lot since I started getting massages.”

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