July 26, 2024

Aries: This last week has been difficult for you, relax and continue being optimistic and things will turn out alright.

Taurus: You’ve been wondering about a special someone maybe it’s time to be their hero.  Try something different and sweep them off their feet.

Gemini: You have been feeling very nervous lately, doing things without thinking. Take a step back and react accordingly.

Cancer: You have been hiding on the sidelines with a lot of your issues.  Take the bull by the horns and go for it.

Leo: Working and school assignments have been leaving you dull and bored.  Try making plans for your future? Summers almost here you know.

Virgo: You have been going over the details for weeks now…stop fussing and dive into it.

Libra: Your gut has been trying to tell you something but you haven’t been listening.  Turn your attention to what you want instead of what everyone else wants.

Scorpio: You have held a short leash for many things in your life.  It is now time to let go and be free.

Sagittarius: You have been filled to the top with cool ideas.  Stop hiding them and pitch them somewhere.

Capricorn:  Stop holding yourself back, you know that crazy out of the blue idea you had last week? Yeah. Do it.

Aquarius: You have been surrounded by people lately and this has been making you uncomfortable step back and take a night for yourself.

Pisces: You have been forced to act as leader within your recent project, don’t fear it, embrace it and make a difference.

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