July 26, 2024


What makes intramural sports great?

Conestoga students looking to make new friends and stay in shape, all while balancing their course load, should look into playing intramural sports.

Starting today, Conestoga College will offer co-ed intramural volleyball, squash, flag football, dodgeball, indoor soccer, ball hockey and ice hockey. All intramural sports leagues, with the exception of ice hockey, will be played on campus. Intramural ice hockey will be hosted at the Activa Sportsplex, located at 135 Lennox Lewis Way, Kitchener. Ice hockey will begin on Oct. 7.

Intramural sports have always been a staple to the active campus experience. It may come across as cliche, but the spirit of intramural sports is all about having fun. Winning trophies, receiving accolades or on-court glory isn’t why most students sign up. According to first-year design foundations student Jessica Cook, a successful year for her volleyball team isn’t solely tied to a championship.

“Making new friends and having a good year, winning or losing … I think if you have a good team, you’ll have a good season. Win or lose, it’s all about having fun as a team,” said Cook.

For those who have a heavy course load and are busy with other prior commitments, intramural sports are an ideal way to stay in shape. With each sport scheduled once a week, students can maintain balance in their lives while keeping up with their busy schedules.

“It’s really great for those of us that have rather busy lives,” Cook said. “I was going to try out for varsity, but with my program workload and working (a part-time job) on top of everything, varsity was not an option. With intramural sports, I can still be active and play the sports I love, but on my own time and when I’m available.”

The main reason why people come out to play intramural sports is to run around and play sports in a relaxed environment. These sentiments were echoed by first-year international business management student Ben Ratz, who plans on playing both dodgeball and ball hockey this fall.
“(Intramural sports) are fun and interactive. You can get fit while playing, you can meet new friends,” said Ratz.

Part of the fun that comes with participating in intramurals is coming up with a fun, catchy team name. Names such as “The Brolympians” or “The Beta Blockers” have provided inside jokes among teammates in seasons past.

According to Ratz, a good team name should consist of something that people will remember.
“It (should be) catchy, everyone knows it. Something that’s fun.”

Cook, on the other hand, believes that good team names incorporate everyone on the team in some way.
“It’s got to be something that incorporates everyone on the team, not just one person. So, it wouldn’t be something like ‘Ben and the squad.’”

Volleyball games will be played on Monday nights, squash and flag football games will be held on Tuesdays, dodgeball and indoor soccer on Wednesdays and ball hockey take place on Thursdays.

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