July 26, 2024



Students going to college for the first time have a myriad of questions. What textbooks do I need? Where are my classrooms? And how do I get to and from school? Those who enjoy strenuous physical activity ask, “What sports are there?”

Conestoga offers a variety of men’s and women’s sports for students, including a handful of varsity sports. These include men’s and women’s volleyball, rugby, indoor and outdoor soccer, badminton and cross-country. They also offer women’s softball.

Tryouts for some of these sports, like rugby, softball and soccer, can start as early as August, with their first games starting in early September, while other tryouts will begin during the first week of school.

“If a student can’t make a tryout, especially those in August, then these students should email the coaches directly,” said Marlene Ford, the athletic co-ordinator at the college. “They won’t turn anyone away.”

However, students must get good grades to play on a team. “We work individually with students who are struggling,” Ford said. “We try to have them keep up-to-date with us, and we help them make their academics and athletics both work.”

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