July 26, 2024



For students, eating healthy lunches can be hard to do with the temptations of Tim Hortons and other cafeteria foods, but one neat idea that could help is bringing a meal in a jar to school.

And you don’t even have to prepare it yourself.

A company called Meal in a Jar has a variety of delicious-looking meals all beautifully presented in jars.

“People eat with their eyes first,” said Irene Divaris, co-founder and president of Meal in a Jar.

The company came about when Divaris was making her daughter’s lunch one day. She took some food she found in the fridge and put it into a glass jar that was sitting on her counter.

She bought more jars and filled them for her family’s lunches. She posted photos of the jars on Facebook until she was told by a friend to create a separate page. That was when she came up with the simple name Meal in a Jar.

Someone commented asking if she sold them and in a split second Divaris said yes. That was how Meal in a Jar was born.

“It (would) save time if you’re on a tight schedule,” said Linda Pedro-Martin, a second-year practical nursing student. “It’s nutritious as well.”

The meals in a jar can be eaten hot or cold. All that needs to be done to warm them up is to put the jar into the microwave with the lid off.

“I think I could potentially make my own now that I know it’s a thing,” said Lindsay Dietrich, a second-year recreation and leisure student.

The other thing that gives Meal in a Jar that special touch is they have no preservatives, are prepared fresh and can last up to five days.

The business sells between 400 and 500 jars each week.

There are 10 different kinds of meals available that are priced between $9.99 and $11.99. Even the names sound delicious, like cowboy casserole, naked beef burrito and chicken showdown. There are even a couple of options for vegetarians.

For more information about the company and their meals go to http://www.mealinajar.ca/.

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