July 26, 2024

Aries March 21 -April 19

Count numbers in your head. Breathe. Will it matter six months from nHoroscopeow? If not, don’t bother with it. Your time is too valuable.

Taurus April 20 -May 20

Sometimes you’re too reasonable and peaceful. If there’s something that angers you, let it. It’s OK to get mad sometimes if you deal with the anger properly.

Gemini May 21 -June 21

You know that friend who always has your back every day of the week? Buy him pizza. Treat him to a movie. He’s feeling under appreciated.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

You’re going to have a rough week, not going to lie. Everybody does once in a while, and that’s OK!

Leo July 23 – August 22

You need to be a little bit more patient. Not everyone is as quick-witted as you, so stop making other people feel inadequate.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

You’ve had some awesome ideas lately, but you’re not writing any of them down. As silly as something may seem at the moment, it may prove differently in the future.

Libra September 23 – October 22

When someone does something nice for you that you may not have wanted, accept it anyways. Take the other person’s feelings into consideration.

Scorpio October 23 -November 21

You take constructive criticism to heart, but you need not. It’s going to help you improve if you’ll just listen rather than take offence.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Stress is going to be the death of you if you don’t take some sort of a trip soon. Even for a few days. Trust me.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

It might be hard to believe, but all the work you’ve been putting in is already paying off in ways you can’t yet see. It’s only going to get better from here.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

I know you’re thinking of quitting, but don’t. Stick it out just a little bit longer and you might be surprised with the results.

Pisces February 19 – March 20

You may think your friends are going to poke fun at you if they find out, but they probably won’t. If they do, were they truly your friend to begin with?

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