July 26, 2024


I went into the theatre unbiased.movie review

Knowing very little about Batman or Superman prior to the movie, I figured I’d leave it up to director Zack Snyder to form my opinion.

Honestly, I still can’t decide which team I’m on.

I’ve never liked Ben Affleck. Something about his smug demeanour and obnoxious face just turned me off of most of his other movies, but he did an impressive, moody, darker version, more like the old Batman (the one who wasn’t afraid to brutally murder the bad guys). His disposition remained somber throughout the entire film.

I had never heard of Henry Cavill. Yes, I know, I need to get out more. I can honestly say though, his depiction of Superman was full of gold. He really excelled at convincing me that he wanted everything good in the world, and his character really succeeded at doing just that.

It was rumoured that Snyder had $410 million to play around with, which would make Batman vs. Superman quite literally Hollywood’s most expensive movie. In the nearly three hours of action, they managed to keep everything esthetically wowing, even in the scenes without much action.

While yes, there were some “stretched out” scenes, I found them all very crucial in understanding the lengthy film and its many characters. For those, like me, who went into the theatre knowing nothing about Superman’s or Batman’s upbringing, those scenes provided background and helped everything make sense. If you’re already an expert, it’s still a treat to see how these new actors portray the heroes.

My favourite character, however, is not one of the heroes; it’s Lex Luther. I never would have envisioned Jesse Eisenberg playing this part, but he absolutely killed it, filling out both brilliance and insanity throughout the movie, bringing a shadowy, sinister feeling.

One of the most marvellous scenes was the later appearance of Wonder Woman, played by actress Gal Gadot. Even for those who go into the theatre knowing she plays a part – when she shows up during one of the most dramatic scenes, dressed in her armour in glory, no one could be unimpressed.

Now if you’re looking for the opinion of someone more knowledgeable in the superhero/action movie department, you can turn to my dad. He’s been reading comics and watching Superman and Batman movies since the ’70s, and he sat through the entire movie with his hands laced together, held just below his cheek as if completely falling in love.

I give this movie 4.75 out of five stars.

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