April 26, 2024

Aries — You like having things your own way and have trouble compromising. This can make life difficult at times, but you will be fine.

Libra — You will meet some shady people in your life, but you are a great judge of character. You will easily determine if they are bad people or not.

Taurus — Your laid back ways will prevent a fight from happening this week. You will use your determination and peaceful ways to settle the dispute.

Scorpio — Only you know what your skills really are. You will use these skills this week to settle an emotional conflict.

Gemini — Don’t be discouraged by what people think of you. You act the way you do because you’re too smart for emotional baggage.

Sagitarius — You are a highly social being who holds relationships above everything else. This will help you reach your aspirations.

Cancer — You may blame the stars for your woes, but never fear, for you will always be loved.

Capricorn — Capricorns are born leaders. You may feel as if you don’t matter sometimes, but you can always form a following.

Leo — You were born to be the king. Don’t let anyone stand in your way to the top.

Aquarius — You may seem like a loner to some, but that doesn’t mean you’re lonely when you’re alone.

Virgo — You may seem like a loner to some, but that doesn’t mean you’re lonely when you’re alone.

Pisces — Your indecisiveness and selflessness are not bad things. Never let someone tell you otherwise.

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