April 25, 2024

Aries — You may want to consult a friend to reaffirm a solution you’d already considered. Go with your second instinct on this one.

Libra — Consider an old friend to help you with what you’re going through this week.

Taurus — Before you can find answers for yourself, maybe you should reach out to those close to you who may need you. Things will start to look up for you.

Scorpio — If you think your place in the world is uncertain, then you just might be ready. Realize that you can’t win every battle, but you can always do your best.

Gemini —Soon you will earn back something that was lost, and it will become important to you. Own this day.

Sagittarius — If you’re feeling doubtful, you should look beyond yourself to do some good in the community. Once you do, the pieces will start to fall in place.

Cancer — If you think now is the time to do something new, then you might just be right. It’s never too late to reconsider your options.

Capricorn — Today you will realize something you never knew you deserved, and it will make you rethink things.

Leo — Why not do something just for yourself? Doing so will help you, and you’ll understand who you really are.

Aquarius — Why not do something just for yourself? Doing so will help you, and you’ll understand who you really are.

Virgo — Are you working toward exploring a new possibility? The coming week will be the time you make the right choice, even if it’s hard.

Pisces —Why not do something for someone in your family? Then you’ll earn the clarity you so richly deserve.

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