July 26, 2024


Exam time can be stressful for most students. It causes late night study sessions and anxiety, leaving most students wondering if they are as ready as they can be for the upcoming test.

“There is nothing worse than exam time and with the recent strike everyone is worried about their grades dropping from just one test,” said Adam Vitug a first-year Conestoga business student.

You can beat exam stress in many ways, you just have to find out what works for you. Concordia University studied the top six things that help manage stress and anxiety during this time and published the results on their website.

The first of these tips is to exercise. According to Richard Demont, associate professor in the Department of Exercise Science, “exercising helps to get rid of that extra stress. The problem is nobody makes the time to do it.”

Number two on the list is to simply take a break. Make sure to give yourself some time to breath and relax – you may feel the need to study ever moment you are awake but overdoing it can be counter-productive.
According to Elaine Ransom-Hodges, a learning specialist at Concordia, “Sitting for long periods of time lowers brain activity so getting up and taking a short break is a great way to kickstart your brain.”

Think about the bigger picture is Concordia’s third tip on the list. Simply finding time to think of things other than the classroom can be a big help. So, try not to think just about the exam. Instead, try to see that in the long run this test is only a small piece of the bigger puzzle.

Taking the time to prepare sits at number four. Making sure you have a study plan set in place is always a good idea. Allocate specific times to study each topic for each class you have. This will allow you to focus on what you are doing when you are doing it instead of thinking about everything you haven’t done.

Number five is finding a place where you can focus and succeed while studying. Gather all of your things and find a place you can feel comfortable in while working, such as your favourite café or in the library. Take the time to scope out a good spot is always worth it.

The last tip on the list is to get help or buddy up. You should never feel like you are alone. Make sure you take the time to talk to a mentor or friend who cares about what you have to say. You can also find a study buddy so that you both know what the other is going through and can support each other in this stressful time.

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