February 22, 2025

On Wednesday, March 6, the Conestoga Students Inc. Global Service Leadership team hosted a “mean girls” movie night at Conestoga to raise funds for the environmental trip to Guatemala. A group of students will travel to Antigua to volunteer for an eco-agriculture conservation project, with local farmers at a coffee cooperative or a macadamia nut farming community.

CSI offers two trips each academic year — opportunities for students to volunteer abroad, experience new cultures and develop leadership skills. Airfare, most meals, excursions and many other options are included in the price for each GSL trip. To offset the price for some students who may not have all the financial support they need, the CSI’s leadership development coordinator provides the fundraising support to students. All funds raised through the fundraisers are spread evenly among the teams before their departure.

The GSL provides students with many benefits, such as developing teamwork skills, meeting new people around the world, cultural immersion and receiving credit on their co-curricular record.

Listen as leadership development coordinator Nicole Amorim and student Erin Reid discuss the upcoming GSL trip.

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