October 18, 2024

The Royal Canadian Legion assembled on Nov. 11, for a day of appreciation for Canadian Armed Forces and veterans. Remembrance Day is a special time for Canadians who honour and appreciate the nations’ Armed Forces and Veterans. The Remembrance day assembly at the Cenotaph on King street on Nov. 11 showed that pride and patriotism for the city of Cambridge. 

Red poppies flooded the property as the people of Cambridge showed their appreciation. At 10:45 a.m. the Royal Canadian Legion of Preston played their instruments to honour those we’ve lost. After a moment of silence,individuals took turns walking up to the cenotaph to place their poppies on various wreaths. Each wreath was specific towards either a Province, the country or certain fallen soldiers. 

Former leading Seaman Cameron Borges served from 2011 – 2018. “It’s not really a celebration as much as a day of appreciation. It is to show our Armed Forces and veterans how much we care. It’s important this year because it’s about solidarity in the community during a time like this,” Borges said. 

Warrant Officer Second Class Rylee Small was present at the assembly because he feels it’s important to have this day despite our current situation regarding COVID-19.

“Well I think that regardless of there being a pandemic or not. Especially in this city, we’ve been very big on remembering because there’s a lot of people that served in this city and others that got very involved during those wars and the one that’s currently going on right now with Afghanistan. This year where we have less restrictions and numbers are going down, it’s even more important to come together when we can. The more people we have the better, right,” Small said. 

It was a day of great pride for the city of Cambridge and they did not hold back on their display of appreciation. The assembly put on by the Royal Canadian Legion of Preston had hundreds of people show up to pay their respects.

Warrant Officer Second Class Rylee Small after placing his poppy on the Cenotaph

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