An orange crowd weaves through downtown Kitchener, remembering residential school legacies on Truth and Reconciliation Day. Photo by Robin George, Sept. 30. 2022 Healing of the Seven Generations organized the Every Child Matters Walk in remembrance and honour of children who were forced to attend residential schools and Indian day schools. Photo by Robin George, Sept. 30, 2022. A sacred fire burned throughout the day at Healing of the Seven Generations, where the walk began, in a small metal pit with the words EVERY CHILD MATTERS. Photo by Robin George, Sept. 30. 2022 The march was led by Indigenous children carrying orange Every Child Matters flags, purple Haudenosaunee flags, red Mohawk and Mi’kmaq flags, a blue Metis flag, and several rainbow 2SLGBTQ+ flags. Waterloo Regional Police blocked traffic at each intersection. Photo by Robin George, Sept. 30. 2022 Hundreds of people flowed southeast down Frederick St. and then zig-zagged through Kitchener’s downtown core. Photo by Robin George, Sept. 30. 2022 Indigenous and non-Indigenous people of all ages joined the march including children, elders, and parents with babies. Photo by Robin George, Sept. 30. 2022 Some people were drumming and singing together, others holding each other in support, and many shedding quiet tears as the walk ended at Willow River Park (Victoria Park). Photo by Robin George, Sept. 30. 2022 After the walk the group gathered in front of the clock tower and listened to speeches from Indigenous community leaders, matriarchs, and elders about the overreaching and continued impacts of the residential school system. Photo by Robin George, Sept. 30. 2022