July 27, 2024

Some immigrant parents face a lot of setbacks while searching for a school for their children, especially during the pandemic.

Parents might not know how to navigate their way around Waterloo Region while some have not changed their mindset from the systems of enrolment in their home countries.  This has increased their difficulty getting a good and nearby school for their children.

Adeola Fapounda, an International student at Conestoga College. Photo submitted

“I purposely relocated to Canada for my children to have access to good education. I never knew it would be tough getting them schools,” said Adeola Fapounda, an international student at Conestoga College.

Some immigrant parents are still struggling with how to get the required documents that will ease getting primary schools for their children, especially children between the ages of six to 10. 

Doris Omotoyinbo, A cook at Macdonald’s Ottawa St. Kitchener. Photo Submitted

“I moved to Canada with my three children some months ago. It has been so tough for me to find schools for them. I searched online and finally found one, but the school asked me to bring the children’s transcript from their formal schools in my home country, and I do not have that now” said Doris Omotoyinbo, a cook at Macdonald’s Ottawa St. Kitchener.,

Some families migrate to Canada without considering that things may not augur as well as envisioned. 

“I did my research well before I decided to quit my job and relocate to Canada. I did not know that the assumed life in Canada may not turn out as planned, especially for my childrens’ studies,” said Omotoyinbo. 

Parents need to understand Canada’s school system, especially the elementary schools where a child’s age might determine the grade he or she would be. 

“Based on my determination and consistent searching online for schools, I finally got St. Timothy Catholic Public school, Kitchener. My child of age six was taken to Grade 1 but she was in Grade 2 in our country,” said Fapounda.

Parents planning to migrate to Canada must be prepared for challenges. It takes hard work, patience, and prayer to fulfil life in Canada, said Omotoyinbo.

Contacting the local school boards is one way parents can gather information about requirements for their children.

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