March 26, 2025

Crossing generations through the canvas with ‘The Proclamation’ exhibition at Kitchener City Hall

Featuring eye-catching artworks based on South Sudanese Shilluk peoples, the exhibit brings abstract designs and striking portraits to life. “I’ve gotten comments on the fact that this is sometimes a scary painting because of how real the eyes look as if there really is a soul behind them,” said artist Chudear Oyual. “It’s comforting knowing that in the creation of my art, my ancestors are with me.”

AUDIO: How Conestoga students survive exam season

Exam season is fast approaching, and with that comes student burnout. Thanks to a busy work schedule and social media distractions, it can be harder than ever to focus on studying. Here’s how these Conestoga students keep their cool without failing their classes.

REVIEW: Why Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is already my favorite game of 2023

The much-anticipated sequel to developer Insomniac Games’ 2018 Marvel’s Spider-Man and 2020’s Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales is finally out. Taking on the iconic symbiote storyline from the comics, the game holds its own unique twists and turns to keep newcomers and diehards on the edge of their seats.

VIDEO: Can movie theatres co-exist with streaming services?

Have the presence of several streaming services, such as Netflix and Disney+, made movie theatres unnecessary? Theatres have had to adjust their business strategy over the past few years to keep up with direct-to-streaming movies and shorter theatrical windows for the latest releases.